Photo/ X @JamesWskibia


By Mercy Kachenge

Nairobi, Kenya: A warning has been issued by the Ministry of Health in Kenya concerning an incident that occurred in the Kambembe area of Rironi, Kiambu County. A truck carrying highly toxic Sodium Cyanide overturned, resulting in a substantial spillage on the road.

According to the Principal Secretary of the State Department for Public Health and Professional Standards, Ms. Mary Muthoni, Sodium Cyanide is extremely toxic, and ingestion or inhalation of small amounts can be fatal.

Muthoni said that exposure to it could cause immediate symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea among vomiting.

‘’Members of the public are advised not to touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing protective clothing. To minimize exposure, small spills should be covered with dry earth, dry sand, or any other non-combustible material.’’

Despite reports of poisoning cases, the Ministry of Health has undertaken significant initiatives to ensure risk communication and community engagement. They have collaborated with churches, primary care networks, community health promoters, National Government Administration Officers, and the Nyumba Kumi Initiative. These efforts are geared toward tracking and mitigating potential health risks., monitor and secure any chemicals that have wrongfully ended in the community.

‘’Prolonged or repeated exposure to lower levels can result in long-term health issues such as thyroid dysfunction, cardiovascular problems, and neurological damage,” said the PS.

Container carrying sodium cyanide chemical. Photo/ Courtesy

The PS encouraged individuals in possession of the missing chemicals to promptly surrender them to the Police and Government representatives at the temporary station. Additionally, individuals can contact the designated emergency numbers to receive information and instructions on how to safely return the chemicals to the authorities.

“A Temporary station manned by the Kiambu County Health Department has been established near the site to review, advise, and support the people who have come into contact and have difficulty accessing health facilities,’’ said the PS.

To ensure their safety, the public is advised to promptly rinse their skin or eyes with running water for a minimum of 30 minutes. In the event of an emergency, they should contact the Public Health Emergency Operations Center or the National Disaster Center Operation Center for immediate assistance.

Furthermore, the PS drew attention to the environmental risks associated with sodium cyanide. Unintentional spillage into waterways can result in widespread fish mortality and enduring harm to aquatic ecosystems. While sodium cyanide can eventually degrade, its immediate impact is frequently catastrophic.

Some of the containers with Sodium cyanide. Photo/X

The Ministry emphasizes the public to avoid the site of the incident and to cooperate with emergency and disaster response teams as they work to contain the situation.

‘’Thorough training on its hazards and emergency response procedures is mandatory for anyone who may need to handle the chemical. Immediate access to antidotes is also vital in case of any form of poisoning noted PS Mary.

When handling Sodium Cyanide, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), which includes gloves, masks, and eye protection, is crucial to prevent direct exposure. Adequate ventilation and spill containment are essential in environments where Sodium Cyanide is present. Furthermore, thorough training on the hazards associated with Sodium Cyanide and proper emergency response procedures is mandatory for anyone handling the chemical.

To ensure safety, the Ministry of Health urges the public to avoid the incident site, allowing emergency teams to operate effectively. Cooperation with trained professionals is crucial for a swift and successful response. Staying informed through official channels ensures accurate information and prevents misinformation.