The Sierra Leone Open Elections Database Platform (SLOEDP) will bring the 4 provisional elections results of March 7, 2018, in Sierra Leone to the world as soon as National Elections Commission (NEC) publishes them. Because as soon as we enter all polling station data at that granular level. Automatic calculation of all results will be ready. In addition, we have data on previous elections in Sierra Leone (1996, 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2018)
All countries in Africa and other parts of the world where election observers are sent to from other countries need to implement this open source tool customized to their uniqueness. If we invest time and resources in such visionary work, we will eliminate the more costly need for election observers that get shuttled over the world as election hunters. In Africa alone, with Sierra Leone being the second, twenty other elections are slated for in 2018.
The use of the tool, Open Elections Database Platform created by Sierra Leoneans for Africa and the rest of the World in terms of the cost savings alone year after year, not to mention the contribution it adds with regard to improving the integrity of elections everywhere.
Our platform is set to do many things around elections. And we have the Women Situation Room (with AMNET, 50-50 and UN Women) already poised to use it via our signed MOU to monitor violence against Women in elections (VAW-E). We are also expected to sign an MOU with a collective of civil society organizations who will take our efforts deep into the grassroots.

Similarly, we are going to be working with UN Women and Initiatives for Media Development (IMDEV) to showcase and analyze the media reports on gender issues. Twenty media houses will be monitored and reported on (television stations, newspapers, and community radios). The Independent Media Commission (IMC) will train their staff and use the tool to also be “peace monitors” and offer rebukes of false news. And much more.
And we have our teams of volunteers that we are developing to do 3 things: report election results, report elections violence, and develop a story on the elections with photos and short videos that will be on the multi-media platform. The platform provides another opportunity for ordinary citizens to participate beyond just voting in the forthcoming elections. It will be an opportunity for the young and old to engage. We believe that the ordinary people of Sierra Leone can rise up and do things for themselves when afforded the opportunity. That’s the path we trod on into the unknown.
Here is a demo of how you can navigate through the platform