By Winnie Kamau
Kenya’s water towers and forests contribute more than 3.6% of Gross Domestic Product of Kenya. The benefits of forested ecosystems outweigh the gains of deforestation. Forested landscapes have been of great importance on the water towers by storing rainwater,regulating river flows and preventing runoff. The landscapes also help in recharging groundwater aquifers, improve soil fertility, reduce soil erosion also restrict sediment loads into rivers. The forests also regulate climatic conditions and act as carbon reservoirs and sinks.
These are some of the numerous benefits of forests as Kenya Forest Research Institute (KeFRI) highlighted during the inception Workshop to Protect Kenya’s water towers dubbed Kenya’s water tower Protection and Climate Change mitigation and Adaptation (WaTER) project.
This new project funded by the European Union (EU) at a tune of over 30 million Euros is expected to rehabilitate and conserve the Cherangani and Mt. Elgon water Towers. “Cherangani is the most degraded water catchment in the country. There’s urgent need to protect and have sustainable management of the Mt. Elgon and Cherangani water towers .” explains Paul Ongugo, Science Leader, KeFRI.
KeFRI which has been mandated by the government to take up the lead role and bring all stakeholders on board held the inception workshop in Kisumu County with Researchers and Scientists in attendance. “We will be able to improve the degraded forests and add forests cover to the area so that hydro peers are back and agricultural spillover impact of more water and the Lake Victoria will continue getting more fresh water” says Dr. Paul Kigomo the Senior Deputy Director , KeFRI.
The project will be undertaken in four components of strengthening systems and capacity of institutions, developing integrated management of services and products, adopting incentives for sustainable land use and finally using data to make informed decision.
Ongugo notes that issue of protection of water towers is key for our development as a country. “ The water towers not only influence the water flow but also issues dealing with industry, agriculture, food security and this issues have to be addressed to ensure sustainability of our country”.
Farms are major catchment areas of the 2 water towers providing 50% in fuel wood while 27% is food. The project will be carried out in 10 counties including, Vihiga, Kisumu, Nandi, Elgeyo Marakwet, Trans Nzoia, Siaya, West Pokot, Busia and Kakamega.
Dr.John Kipkorir Chumo CEC Nandi and Chairman of County environment & natural resources ministries the project saying “So much has been written but what is important for our people is practicality of the projects and implementation that will leave a significant difference to our people.” adding that “People want to see if their money corresponds to the programs implemented”.

Kenya is currently grappling with a lot of illegal logging leaving in its wake irreversible damages yet in the next 15 years we are expected to bridge the 2.5% forest cover to 10% the minimum ecological threshold. The illegal human activities are said to be on the increase.
We want to reach out to local communities on the ground so that we can enrich them in terms of water quantity and quality, tree cover and even activities which bring money and wealth” explains Ongugo.
Lack of finances is another major challenges experience in the Counties. Dr. Chumo called on the national and County governments to increase the budget allocations in the Environment ministry “The forest cover in many counties are very low beyond 2% and for us to push our efforts and increase forest cover we need resources” adding that “We should increase budgetary allocation to the environment and natural resources conservation”.
When is it commencing,I love that.
community participation should be put into consideration, much of the money should be used to plant trees and bamboos rather than vehicles and staff costs. Being on the ground i have realized that if you can provide market for seedlings, farmers are able to produce enough. As aim talking now i have over 100,000 seedlings of bamboo ready for planting in mt Elgon, Kimabole village. I pray that this project will succeed, surely we need to protect our water sources. mobile no, 0713176500
i have over 100,000 bamboo seedlings available at mt elgon, kimabole village. mobile no.0736176500
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