By Mary Mwendwa
Johannesburg, South Africa: A recent national forum in South Africa has called upon stakeholders in the business sector to reduce trade barriers to help boost the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
The 6th Annual Nation Brand Forum hosted by Brand South Africa brought together over 200 participants from various sectors of the economy to discuss issues that would improve South Africa’s brand.
Ms. Sithembile Ntombela, acting CEO encouraged people to continue amplifying the voices of special groups like the youths and women to drive a beneficial environment.
Similarly, Thandi Tobias, Chair Brand South Africa noted how stakeholders in the past 6 years have been making contributions in various capacities. “ our main objective is to position South Africa as a competitive investment locally and internationally.

The AfCFTA aims to eliminate intra-Africa trade barriers, develop regional value chains, and enhance industrialization across Africa. It requires investments to reduce inefficiencies in trade within the African continent.
Yavi Madurai Co-founder of the African Prosperity Fund believes that special groups like women and youths need to be taken into account if Africa needs to prosper. “ For free trade areas to be realistic for example, our border posts need to be women-friendly. There need to be basic hygiene facilities like toilets where women can freely help themselves as they do their business. This sounds a simple matter but to women is very critical in their business operations along the borders.”
Madurai also noted that women face other challenges like climate change which has impacted the horn of Africa in recent times and has affected women economically. “ We need strategies as African nations to mitigate climate change effects for economic growth.”
Ms Thembi Siweya, Deputy Minister in the Presidency, through a recorded video message, emphasized the progress being made on South Africa’s economic renewal and rebuilding. “Strengthening our economy through engagements and dialogue such as the Nation Brand Forum builds on the potential that already exists and reinforces public and private partnerships, which are key to overcoming our socio-economic challenges as a country,” she said.
African and international corporates Standard Bank, General Electric, Siemens, H&M, and Google stressed the advantages that South Africa has that should be leveraged for the Nation’s Brand.
These include South Africa’s good labor arbitrage, its youth’s entrepreneurial flair, as well as its diversities such as straddling two markets: the emerging and established ones, which make it a perfect breeding ground for training global corporate leaders.
Mr. Jose Filipe Torres, CEO of the renowned Spanish international branding agency Bloom, affirmed Brand SA’s steadfast efforts and achievements in presenting South Africa to the world. “Keep up the good work and now move the brand a step further, by developing one central positioning message for South Africa by using the country’s digital footprints to further excel the nation.”
Resolutely against the three days being yet another ‘talk shop’, the event lived up to its resolution of tabling and encouraging inclusive partnerships with the private sector to further grow the economy.
“Action is critical after meetings like these, which means there must be a follow-up to what we say. And one of the ways to do this is to continue to improve on our credibility as a country because when Africa is organized, it’s easier to do business with from an international perspective,” said Nyimpini Mabunda, CEO of General Electric Southern Africa.
Other key takeouts from the event were the critical role the SMME sector has to play in this economic, social, and environmental equation. Expanding on this is the importance of unlocking Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) opportunities for small businesses.
“In forging forward to grow our economy, doing so in a sustainable way that protects the environment is something we have to keep top of mind; this together with mindfully practicing inclusivity of all levels of our economy and not just the big corporates,” Ms. Ntombela concluded.
Brand South Africa is the official marketing agency of South Africa, with a mandate to build the country’s brand reputation, to improve its global competitiveness. Its aim is also to build pride and patriotism among South Africans, to contribute to social cohesion and nation brand ambassadorship’
The Nation Brand Forum (NBF), first launched in 2016, is one of Brand SA’s flagship programmes to coordinate the active participation of the relevant stakeholder groups in achieving a coherent and compelling Nation Brand image, reputation, and identity that best positions the country domestically & globally. The Forum is an opportunity to engage, reflect, and share experiences and knowledge in order to find ideal best practices to market and communicate the country’s image and reputation across the world. It is with this view that key stakeholders meet to build on and leverage SA’s Nation Brand strengths with the purpose of driving both social and economic growth.