By Liz Opudo
Today, March 8 is a day marked globally to celebrate women all over the world. Women are literally the back born of every society. They are our mothers, our sisters, our aunties our pillars in many angles. Women given a chance can and have achieved so much.
A woman will be a mother to her children taking care of them from birth not to mention the 9months pregnancy that comes with its fair share of challenges and difficulties, some even lose their lives when given life.
We have seen women in leadership thrive, a clear indication that being a woman doesn’t make one a lesser being. In Africa, we now see women Presidents, something that was never near an imagination in the past.
Closer home our neighbor Tanzania’s President Hon. Mama Samia Suluhu is proving to the world that what men can do women can do better. For those who understand the Kiswahili dialect we literally say ‘Samia ana suluhu’ to mean Samia has the solution.
We indeed continue to see her steer Tanzania to greater heights and I believe from this many countries, especially in Africa will embrace the place of women in society, especially leadership positions, and support them to rise.
As we mark the IWD in Kenya just yesterday we encountered the worst form of harassment against women in broad daylight. People who call themselves Boda Boda operators (motorbike transport providers) decided to humiliate a female motorist who allegedly hit one of their own along Wangari Maathai road formerly known as a forest road.
With the kind of hooliganism known of these motorcycle operators, it is very likely to find yourself unintentionally running into them on the streets and anywhere as a motorist. pedestrians are not spared either as these cyclists believe thwart they are the only bonafide road users. They know no law on matters traffic rules or assume them all the same if they do and operate in their own world.

One of them getting hit accidentally may have been a mistake of the very rider. Only for them to put this female motorist under siege and sexually molest her touching her body parts amidst screams from the helpless woman. The video went viral prompting the police into action and as a result, the police IG Hillary Mutyambai has revealed that over 200 of the perpetrators have been arrested. We look forward to a punishment that will be a lesson not only to these goons but any other person who sees women as lesser beings.
Today the President of Kenya His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta together with the first lady Margaret Kenyatta will lead the nation in marking the IWD at Kenya School of government in Kabete. We appreciate the fact that our president respects the value and place of women in society. We have seen this in his leadership, cabinet appointees, and other positions that have women as part of his team.
Today Kenya’s Chief Justice Martha Koome is an achievement worth celebrating. Not to mention many women who are getting set to battle it out with men in various political seats in the forthcoming August elections, especially the gubernatorial position. As the President leads in the celebrations today we hope that our society will borrow a leaf and accord women the respect and support they deserve.
The war on violence against women is a journey that we believe will be overcome by all of us coming together and giving women space, respecting them, and protecting them.
Today a peaceful procession convened by FIDA condemning violence against women and girls in public and private spaces will be held and a message will be delivered to the inspector general’s office. there is no stopping because we need gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow. Let us break the bias.
We celebrate this day today but choose to celebrate women each day. For their resilience, fighting through biases, leading amidst opposition, fighting harassment, bringing life, and many many more.
Let us ponder on Maya Angelou’s words, “My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive and to do so with some passion, compassion, some humor, and some style.”
Happy International Women’s Day (IWD) to all women of all walks of life and all nations.