By Lilian Mukoche

Kakamega County, Kenya: Harriet Afandi’s journey from childhood trauma to becoming a beacon of hope for women and youth in Kenya is a testament to resilience and determination. Raised in a community steeped in gender inequality, Harriet faced numerous challenges, including poverty, lack of access to education, and gender-based violence. Today, she stands as the Founder of Elevate Community Network (BrightHarriet Foundation), a platform dedicated to empowering survivors of socioeconomic challenges.

“I am a survivor of inequalities—poverty, the struggle to access quality education, and gender-based violence that led to childhood trauma,” Harriet reflects. “My mother, a woman who fought tirelessly to raise five girls and a son in a misogynistic community, endured much hardship. I have witnessed firsthand the disparities faced by women and children in my community.”

Harriet’s drive to focus on women’s empowerment is deeply personal. Growing up, she saw her mother struggle to provide for her family, a reality that fueled her determination to ensure no other woman or child would suffer as she did. Her childhood was scarred by poverty and domestic violence, forcing her to navigate treacherous paths to education at the expense of her own safety. Despite these adversities, her determination to make a difference only grew stronger.

“As a child in a ‘toxic’ environment, I had to live away from my family to seek support for my education, making me vulnerable to child labor and abuse,” she recalls.

Harriet presented Obstetric Violence survey report findings at the Medic East Africa and MedLab East Africa Healthcare at Kenyatta International Conference Center, Nairobi.

The 2007 post-election violence in Kenya marked a turning point in Harriet’s life. After running away from home, she made the difficult decision to reunite with her family. Though the challenges persisted, Harriet excelled academically, often leading her class. However, domestic violence disrupted her schooling, and her secondary education was only made possible by the generosity of well-wishers. Her academic journey led her to Karatina University, where she became involved in humanitarian work through the Kenya Red Cross Society, solidifying her commitment to community service.

“The decision to return home after the 2007 post-election violence was painful, but it was the best decision I ever made,” Harriet says. “I excelled academically, leading my class in most exams despite the disruptions caused by domestic violence. I am using my lived experiences to ensure that no woman or child goes through what I did.”

Harriet’s experiences motivated her to create Elevate Community Network (BrightHarriet Foundation), which provides women with livelihood training and mentors youth through innovation and technology initiatives. She also offers child development support programs, determined to ensure that her struggles pave the way for others’ successes.

Her work in youth mentorship and child development is rooted in her understanding of poverty, hunger, and unemployment. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, which exacerbated job losses, Harriet turned her challenges into opportunities for others. Her foundation equips women and youth with sustainable skills such as poultry farming, promoting financial independence while fostering innovation and technology skills.

“With the struggles my mother faced to provide us with quality education, I graduated from Karatina University. I joined the Kenya Red Cross Society and became Vice Chairperson, leading students in humanitarian response activities. After the pandemic, I saw how youth, including myself, struggled with unemployment, so I decided to volunteer and turn my experience into mentorship for others,” she explains.

Despite her successes, Harriet faces resistance from her community. Negative gender stereotypes and limited access to digital resources remain significant obstacles for women. Yet, she is determined to bridge the digital gender divide, using technology and artificial intelligence to empower women and girls. Her advocacy on social media ensures that even those with limited access can benefit from her programs.

“I still face harsh setbacks from people who believe I shouldn’t be working in the spaces I do. But it’s my duty to break barriers—if we want change, we must be the face of that change,” Harriet asserts.

The impact of Elevate Community Network is reflected in the success stories of women and youth who have achieved financial independence through her mentorship. The organization’s nomination for the Digitally Fit Awards in East Africa is a testament to its innovative use of technology. Additionally, Harriet’s role as the Campaign Team Lead for Obstetric Violence in Kenya has sparked important conversations about maternal healthcare rights across Africa.

“One of my proudest achievements is founding Elevate Community Network. Our recognition as a finalist in the Digitally Fit Awards in East Africa and leading the Obstetric Violence Campaign in Kenya have been significant milestones,” Harriet says. “Getting women and youth from around the world to showcase their interest in my mentorship has made me believe even more in the potential for creating positive social impact.”

WA0005- Elevate Community Network during the #Shiftthepower Voice Bridging Pilot Project in Kenya/ Lilian Mukoche.

Harriet envisions scaling her initiatives beyond Kenya, transforming Elevate Community Network into BrightHarriet Foundation, an international NGO. Her long-term goal is to create a sustainable model where empowered individuals can, in turn, empower others. By focusing on self-sufficiency and innovation, she hopes to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and eradicate poverty and hunger.

“My dream is to expand Elevate Community Network into an international organization that can help me extend my work beyond Kenya. I am passionate about the UN SDGs, and I don’t want to be dependent on donors—I want to create an environment where empowered individuals can empower others,” Harriet explains.

Harriet Afandi’s journey is a powerful reminder that personal challenges can serve as the foundation for positive change. Her dedication to empowering women and youth through education, technology, and livelihood training continues to transform lives, creating a ripple effect of hope and resilience across communities.


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