Dr. Roger Kamba Minister of Health DRC


By Gabs Mia

Kinshasa, DRC: In response to the emergence of Monkeypox in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the Congolese government has implemented a comprehensive response strategy centered around two key pillars: mass vaccination and community engagement.

According to the Minister of Health, Dr. Roger Kamba noted that the DRC needs around 3 million doses of vaccine to immunize 2.5 million people. This mass vaccination campaign is essential to contain the epidemic and protect the population. The government is currently working to secure the necessary doses.

“Alongside the vaccination campaign, the government is counting on strong community mobilization. Awareness campaigns are being rolled out on a large scale to inform the population about how the virus is transmitted, the preventive measures to adopt and the importance of getting vaccinated. This participatory approach aims to involve communities in the fight against the epidemic” read part of his speech.

Against this backdrop, Roger Kamba has stated that a national health communication coordination unit will be set up to enhance the effectiveness of communication initiatives, ensure that health communications are aligned with national priorities, and thus avoid duplication of effort. This coordination unit will be under the direct control of the Minister of Public Health, Hygiene, and Social Welfare.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, the Congolese government is seeking to reassure the population. The health authorities say that all the necessary measures are being taken to deal with this public health emergency. Coordination between the various health players, at both national and local levels, has been stepped up to ensure an effective and coordinated response.