Sunday, September 22, 2024

Empowering Mothers: Community Efforts to Tackle Malnutrition Among Children in Kibera

By Lenah Bosibori Nairobi, Kenya: In the heart of Gatwekera village in Kibera, Evalyen Okol, a 37-year-old mother of one is a mother with worries...

Women Gain More as Clean Cooking Solutions Rise in Kenya

By Arasha Soila Kajiado County, Kenya: It is mid-day, the sun is already out and hot in Kenya’s Kajiado County. Monica Olakhi, a mother of...

Stigma Around Infertility in Women Leaves them Wretched and Poor

By David Omurunga Nakuru County, Kenya: "I really don’t know who bewitched me, instead of putting me through this kind of shame-not able to bear...

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